It is considered as new event in UPBA
which is held especially for Dies-Up. Even though it is new, but this event has
already covered up students in East Java. The committees work extra hard in
making this event success as there will be some events packed in Language
Competition. Language Competition includes these events; they are Musabaqah
Taqdimul Qishah (Arabic Storry Telling Competition), News Anchor Competition,
and Essay Competition. Musabaqah Taqdimul Qishah (Arabic Storry Telling
Competition) is a competition for Junior High School Students, News Anchor
Competition is aimed for Senior High School Students, while Essay Competition
is for college students. Those three events are aimed for students all around
the cities in East Java. As we told you in advance, UPBA believe that exploring
the world using languages is a must, so by holding these three events in
language competition, we do hope the students all around East Java to
participate and explore their language ability. UPBA provides only a ‘container’
and hopes that so many students enthusiast in joining the events. It will be
useful for them in the future.
Dalam Language Competition yang diadakan Dies-Up '15 UPBA UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya,
akan berlangsung tiga agenda besar perlombaan diantaranya,
1. Essay Competition
untuk mahasiswa S1 dan D3 Se-Jawa Timur
2. News Anchor Competition
untuk pelajar SMA/MA Se-Jawa Timur
3. Musabaqoh Taqdimul Qishah (Storytelling Bahasa Arab)
untuk pelajar SMP/MTs Se-Jawa Timur
Pastikan kamu atau temanmu menjadi bagian dari perrlombaan ini dan jangan sampai lewatkan
agenda penting ini! Untuk persyaratan dan mekanisme lomba silahkan buka link dibawah ini.
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